*sigh* Well, I said what I wanted.
So anyway, those on this forum who, for some reason, don't know how to do this, I'll explain.
In Windows, you are most likely using the admin account. If not, you suck.
Hold down the windows key + r. Or just go into Start/All Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt and click that.
Now type "cd.." until you get to C:\>
Then type "cd win" and press tab. It's simple and easy that way for you fools.
then, when it says "C:\WINDOWS>" type "ping
www.bleachforums.com(or whatever URL you want to 'ping')".
And then hit the damn enter key.
Then see how many replies you get for the packets of data your computer sends. You should get four if the website is perfectly fine.
Note you need to be online to do this. Duh.
Later, if anyone wants to know, I can explain a few ways to change your IP without having to use proxify or anything.