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Monsterpedia Empty
PostSubject: Monsterpedia   Monsterpedia EmptySun Nov 07, 2010 8:53 pm


Name: Blazing Fox
Rank: *
Description: It is a red fox with a glowing red circle mark on its forehead and red eyes. It's a weak creature, but it is usually quite aggressive towards humans. They're sometimes responsible for fires in the Sephira region.

Name: Sky Raptor
Rank: *
Description: A monster that looks like an eagle with sky blue feathers and yellow beak and talons. It
isn't particularly strong, and doesn't do much other than slash at its enemies with its talons.*

Name: Sand Lynx
Rank: *
Description: It is a small yellow cat with two little orange horns on its forehead, oversized canines sticking out, and two yellow feather wings on its back. It can blow small sand gusts at its enemies from the air, but is otherwise quite weak.

Name: Blizzard Howler
Rank: **
Description: An oversized wolf with very well developed musculature, white fur, blue eyes and a blue sphere embedded on its chest. Its roars can slightly freeze the target, making it move slowly and providing a chance for the Howler to jump onto it and tear it apart with its large claws and teeth.

Name: Shadow Trodent
Rank: **
Description: Black squirrel-like creatures the size of big cats that inhabit trees in dense forests. It is a rare species and one of the most aggressive types of Trodents. It has red eyes and red horns curved forward, as well as long sharp teeth and claws.

Name: Obscure Grasp
Rank: **
Description: A pair of thing arms made of pure darkness with oversized hands with long claws. They slash at their enemies repeatedly and can be hard to kill, as they can regenerate quite rapidly when damaged. Once they grab an enemy's neck, it is almost impossible to escape from their deadly grasp.

Name: Ice Trodent
Rank: **
Description: Light blue squirrel-like creature the size of a cat that inhabits icy and/or dark locations. It is a common type of Trodents. It has blue eyes and little white horns. Its claws and teeth are somewhat underdeveloped, but its ability to spit ice crystals and curl up in an ice sphere to tackle enemies make up for that.

Name: Glacier Cobra
Rank: ***
Description: A large blue serpent with yellow eyes and black horns curved forward. It has great physical strenght and it can also blow storms of ice crystals at its enemies.

Name: Darkshell Crab
Rank: ***
Description: A green crab-like creature the size of a fat dog with a tall black carapace and two large pincers. It has two red extensible eyes and a small mouth can be seen peeking out of the carapace with sharp bloody teeth. It smells like dead fish. It has great strenght in its pincers and its bite immediately puts the victim to sleep. Its poison is often used as a sort of analgesic and relaxant in Medicine.

Name: Flaring Tusk
Rank: ***
Description: An elephant monster the size of a baby elephant whose body is fully made of red flames except for its two small black eyes and its pair of sharp white tusks. It is a relatively agile monster known for instinctively burning anything in its path until it is stopped. They are hunted for their tusks, said to conserve the monster's fire powers even after it dies, and are very hard to find. It can control fire in many different ways as well as avoid most physical attacks, though it cannot live once it has lost both tusks, the loss of only one weakening it greatly.

Name: Amber Corazon
Rank: ***
Description: A large dark yellow robin-like bird with red feathers in its chest in the shape of a heart. It is known for being able to cast different kinds of thunder spells and turning invisible. It is about the size of a human 5-year-old with its wings retracted. Found mostly in uncharted islands, elven legends tell that when a large group of Amber Corazones sing together, they can summon a magical thunder storm.

Name: Trotting Wolf
Rank: ***
Description: Agile wolf creatures with black hooves like those of a worse and relatively long black horns. They have blue or green eyes and white fur, and possess great physical strenght. They are about the size of a dog. They live in large groups and are known for attacking people in Aldanian forests and mountain ranges.

Name: Brute Canupus
Rank: ****
Description: A huge werewolf-like creature, with blue fur. It has a hunchback, and large muscular arms with oversized hands and long thick claws. Its face is pretty much that of a fat wolf, except larger. Its teeth are tainted with blood and its pupils are of a glowing blue so light its almost scary to look at them. It walks like a gorilla, on feet and knuckles, and its about three times bigger than one. Its hand is the size of two human heads, approximately. Its strongest roars can blow a human 15 yards back through the air, and its claws can easily cut a tree down.

Name: Water Nymph
Rank: ****
Description: It is a vile woman-like creature that sings to lure and kill men. Its song has no effect whatsoever on women, but that isn't her only weapon. With the ability to turn into water, it can't be visibly injured, though attacks do damage it. Its original skin is blue, its eyes are glowing blue and it has long sharp teeth and claws. It can shoot jets of highly pressurized water at its enemies. It is almost undefeatable for as long as it is underwater, but can otherwise be quite easy to defeat.

Name: Restless Pride
Rank: ****
Description: A humanoid figure fully covered in strips of black linen, like a mummy, except for its eye area, which is pitch black except for the two circular glowing red eyes. It wields two dark ninjatos and has a long piece of black silk tied around its waist whose ends wave behind it. It has a quick ninja fighting style, and the ability to turn invisible and conjure ninja knives and throwing stars. It cannot attack while invisible.

Name: Undead Searaptor
Rank: *****
Description: It looks like a large greyish green shark. It has a dorsal fin and tail, but thick clawed arms instead of pectoral fins. It has three rows of very sharp teeth and skin that seems to be dead and falling off, all cracked up. A green glow emanates from the fissures on the skin, as well as from large holes where its eyes should be. It is about the size of an elephant, except a bit longer and shorter. Despite only having two arms/legs, it can balance its whole body on them and use them to propel itself upward at high speed. It has very strong jaws that can effortlessly crush bone and even stone, and can excrete a glowing green fluid from its skin fissures that is known to infect humans and produce the same effect on their skin, a reaction often called zombification. If not treated immediately, the disease will ultimately kill the infected victim.
Being a stronger variant of Searaptors, they are thought to have been Searaptors that got infected with the disease by its original host and somehow managed to develop a defense mechanism and become stronger. For this reason, they also possess the same powers as normal Searaptors, being able to control any salt-containing substances (Mostly sea water and shore sand).

Name: Ala Negra
Rank: *****
Description: A large dragon covered in black feathers. It has four legs with sharp black claws, a long feathered tail and four wings, the upper pair being a bit larger than the lower one. It can manipulate raw energy in many different ways and it is known for its admirable flying speed. Its beautiful cry can be heard in a range of many miles and it will make anyone who is close to it dizzy.

Name: Infernal Wyvern
Rank: ******
Description: A giant red dragon with its body covered by an almost indestructible armor of red scales, said to roam across Toros destroying entire villages with its fire breath in ancient times. It is nowadays extremely rare, found only in locations where temperatures are unusually high. Its back is a rock mountain, and the location of its only real weakness, its energy core. In younger and smaller dragons, the core can usually be found floating above the rocks. However, as they grow older, their bodies grow to be over three times larger and the rocks grow around the core, enveloping and hiding it.

Name: Medusae Basilisk
Rank: ******
Description: A giant spherical slimy green monster with a large capsule in its body where it slowly poisons its prey to death before digesting them. It has no mouth or eyes, but it has dozens of tentacles that look like giant slimy greyish serpents with sharp teeth and large yellow eyes with small black pupils that eat prey whole and send it down to the main body's capsule. They can also spit poison from the stomach capsule. It is a very rare monster known for sinking ships in deep waters.

Name: Stone Guardian 1.0
Rank: ******
Description: Stone statues with built in electronic and magical mechanisms that allow them to attack viciously with a set strategy and cast spells. They were built by humans in ancient times and set in certain Aeldi shrines to guard the Aeldi and test the Summoner trainees wishing to befriend the shrine's Aeldi. They are usually embedded in walls that are also mobile, sliding back and forth or spinning at the guardian's will. Known specimens include angels, valkyries, minotaurs, knights and serpents, among others.

Name: Ocean Stallion
Rank: ******
Description: Large horses that soar over the ocean, leaving behind storms. They used to exist in large quantities hundreds of ears ago, but now there isn't any known living specimen left, for an unknown reason. Their bodies seem solid, with dark blue fur, black manes and hooves and bright fully yellow eyes, but they are actually made of water, which makes damaging them physically very hard. They are evil creatures that won't hesitate to murder sailors they find in their way, but some for some reason, elves have always been able to communicate with them easily. Many elven tribes still call them the "Guardians of the Islands".

Name: Cave Fairy
Rank: N/A
Description: A tiny creature from the Fairy family, the size of a human hand, that looks like a beautiful woman with white skin, yellow eyes, long red hair, pinkish wings and a red dress. Like other fairies, they are very knowledgeable and sweet but can also be very temperamental. They will ask a question upon meeting someone. If the answer is correct, they will reward the person. If it is not, they will disappear with an explosion.

Name: Jade Rabbit
Rank: N/A
Description: Small furry yellow rabbits with large adorable black eyes, long ears and a red crescent-shaped gem on its forehead. Its chest area fur is white. This is an extremely rare creature, almost legendary, only ever found by the luckiest of humans and elves. It has the ability to speak the human language. It can cast barriers that reflect magical attacks and at night, its fur is said to glow in the moonlight.
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